LUCKNOW: As per UP government policy to open premium liquor shops in different malls in Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow now got permission to open two new premium liquor shops in two different malls. One in Cinepolis and the other one in CityMall.
The first such shop of premium liquor was opened in Agara mall, in Uttar Pradesh. Applications from Noida, Ghaziabad, Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Moradabad have been received by the department officials. There are 66 malls in UP. Approximately 60 such shops will open in the coming months as per the officials.
In a cabinet decision in May this year, the government had allowed these stand-alone liquor shops in malls. These shops can only sell premium liquor above the value of 700 and beer more than 170 per unit. All these shops will be airconditioned and will not be allowed to serve alcohol inside the premises.
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