1. Ballantine’s Blended Scotch Whisky
Smooth, yet scintillating whisky, the Ballantine’s Blended Scotch Whisky is bottled at 43% ABV. This is still in the early 40s but higher than the average 40% or 42%. Fruity and floral notes take centre stage in making the Ballantine’s Blended Scotch Whisky a preferred choice.
2.Amrut Fusion Single Malt Whisky
Indian grown Amrut Fusion is one of the strongest whisky brands available in the Indian market. With a compelling 50% ABV. The Amrut Fusion gets its name from the mix of barleys used to create this Indian whisky. While there is an obvious dominance of the homegrown barley, parts of barley imported from Scotland are also added to the dram. The Amrut Fusion is a cracking whisky, offering generous helpings of fresh fruit, honey, spice and a good whiff of smoke.
3.Suntory Toki
Japanese whiskies have been doing the takeover globally. But, this particular one has gained a serious popularity in India. While the ABV isn’t astonishingly high, if you had to pick one among the 43% ones (a couple of per cents higher than the rest), we’d say you can go with the Suntory Toki Japanese Whisky.
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