Classic clover club cocktail recipe

Classic clover club cocktail recipe 25

The Clover Club cocktail is one of the classic cocktails that should be on every bartender’s table. It is one of the best treats among the classics because it mixes gin with the sweet flavor of raspberry syrup, creating a most delightful and very delicious drink.

According to “The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book,” the drink was first created at the bar of the Bellevue-Stratford in Philadelphia. It was a popular hang out for “literary, legal, financial, and business lights of the Quaker City” during the late 1800s.

This drink is so good that even now it is consumed by people of all age group and it truly refreshes your mind.


  • 2 oz Gin
  • 1 Egg white
  • 1/2 oz Fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz Raspberry syrup*
  • Garnish: Raspberries


  1. Add all the ingredients into a shaker, put some ice and shake.
  2. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
  3. Garnish with 3 speared raspberries.
  4. *Instead of raspberry syrup, you can muddle 3 or 4 fresh raspberries and 1/2 oz simple syrup (1 part sugar, 1 part water).