Forget about terrible hangovers with these 4 natural remedies

Forget about terrible hangovers with these 4 natural remedies 25


  1. Coconut water

Forget about terrible hangovers with these 4 natural remedies 26

There is no guarantee that coconut water is a cure for a hangover, but it will definitely not make the situation worse. This drink has potassium per ounce in a great quantity, i.e. 569mg which is why it is hydrating. This natural and refreshing remedy will make your body wake up from the hangover and give your body a boost.  Also, it has no artificial colors and is fat-free!


  1. Hearty Breakfast

Forget about terrible hangovers with these 4 natural remedies 27

A healthy and hearty breakfast is good enough to cure your hangover. Avoid eating spicy food, like chips because that will make your stomach upset and give you a headache. The breakfast should contain all necessary vitamins and minerals which may have been reduced due to binge drinking. Make yourself an omelet toast with avocado and you’re good to go!


  1. Citrus Fruit Juice

Forget about terrible hangovers with these 4 natural remedies 28

Vitamin C is the most important vitamin that is reduced due to the excessive intake of alcohol and so it’s important to quickly reboot it. Make yourself lemon water because lemon has 100% of the daily needed dose of Vitamin C. Tomato juice is a healthy carbohydrate and can boost liver function. Tomato juice contains a major amount of tomato that has sodium, potassium, and lycopene, an antioxidant that helps with detoxification.


  1. Coffee/Tea

Forget about terrible hangovers with these 4 natural remedies 29

Coffee or Tea can be an effective remedy to cure a hangover. Caffeine expands blood vessels, which is why we get rid of the headache faster and our brain starts to function normally. Coffee is a diuretic, though, so it may exacerbate dehydration. Green Tea and black tea contain some antioxidants that will reduce the hangover effect and calm your stomach faster.