Who knew beer could be used for pulling out that nasty stain on your carpet. Beer is not only a delicious drink to drive off your troubles, but also can be put into several clever uses.
Here are 5 different uses for beer to give a try if you’re feeling experimental.
- Take a beer bath
Pour out some of your favorite beer in the bathtub and try soaking in it. Beer is a great skin-softener by cleansing your skin and makes it easier to exfoliate. Just relax and have a real bubble bath!
- Beer Shampoo
Give your lovely hair some nourishment with the beer shampoo. Beer also works as a conditioner for the hair. To make one, add a cup of beer into a pan and boil it until there’s 1/4 cup left. Hence, the alcohol that could dry your hair is removed. Wait until the beer has cooled down, then mix it with a cup of your favorite shampoo. Beer helps to add volume, thickness, shine, and luster to your hair as well as it smells delicious!
- Stain removal/ Polishing
Do you have an annoying stain on your carpet? Use a half bottle of light beer to pull that out and then a regular carpet steam cleaner after to lift out the liquid and the smell. Beer comes best to use to polish the furniture, jewelry, or pots. Just pour some beer on the item with a soft cloth, wait for a while to let it sit, and then wipe it off. Want to lose some rusty bolts? Dip your rusty nails in a glass of beer. The carbonation in the beer helps break up the rust.
- Kills slugs/ snails
Want to get rid of the pesky, slimy sliders living in your gardener? Just pour a little beer in some containers/jars and place them at the soil level. Slugs love beer and thus are attracted to the yeast in beer and will drown in them.
- Helps revive the brown patches of grass
Feed your lawn with a readymade home fertilizer, i.e. beer. Beer helps revive brown patches of grass. The acids in the beer will not only kill bugs and other unwanted items but also promote healthy and organic growth of your garden.
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